Thursday, January 29, 2009

History of Versace
Versace is one of international fashion brand in the world. It formed by an Italian clothier who called Gianni Versace in 1978. On July 15, 1997, Andrew Cunanan killed Gianni and his business was taken over by his sister, Donatella and his older brother Santo. It started the creative way of Versace. Donatella controls the majority of the company's assets until now.
Her daughter, Allegra who become sole-heiress of the Versace fortune . She start to take an active role.

In 1978, Versace started the first boutique in Milan’s Via della Spiga and it become popular. It gave the chance for Versace to distribute luxury clothing, accessories, fragrances, makeup and home furnishings. Those products were made by the creative Versace Group. 1994,
Gianni Versace and Frank Mueller launched their first watch collection line, Atelier, which also welcomed by Versace brand lovers. After that, Atelier collection a new line from the Italian fashion house. The collection includes watches, fine jewelry, and writing instruments.

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