Friday, April 24, 2009
Versace ------ 2010 Spring collection Forcast
Nowadays, designers not just consider their creative and innovative when doing color match, since some other important elements they should also think about. Economic situation, different culture, social values, technology and political climate are five essential elements which influence fashion industry today.
In 2010, personal satisfaction and quality of life gain new importance in an unstable world. Global financial tsunami and turbulent political situation affect different income people in 2008 and 2009. Although economic situation may become better compare to 2009, people still live in the shadow in 2010. Hence, consumers are more looking for the freedom, harmony and well-being than before. The muted, harmony and natural colors may become major popular color in 2010 which can satisfy consumer’s needs.
Besides the external influence, Donatella Versace is planning to change original style a bit which to attract young customers. The new Versace style is still glamorous and sensual but not as sexy. Donatella Versace expected this change can strengthen her business which to cope with different challenges easily.
After studying the collections of Versace and considering different other elements. I forecast the 2010 Versace spring color trend will just like following;
Firstly, rose red, light blue, light purple, yellow, black and white colors will be the hot color of Versace 2010 spring collection. Those muted colors represent the soft, elegant and gorgeous style that match Versace’s image. The designers will still use the achromatic scheme and analogical color scheme. But, their new design will adjust the proportion of the color to create sleek style and to stand out the self-assured of working ladies. The mute color match with black or white color to create the harmony and natural spring feeling to every customer.
As to draw an attention from the core customer, the new collection may contain some special element. Last time Versace dresses crossover with the art bring the high opinion from society. This time, more art element will be added in their new design. Crystal and jade can embroider in the new collection to produce new flash style which can attract young customer. Good proportion of jade add in clothes bring fashionable, luxury and sensual image to the customer.
To attract young customer, simple cutting is more important. Short dress with less decoration will more suitable for working women for daytime wear.
To conclude, Versace new style will no exaggeration anymore, but is still glamorous and sensual.
In 2010, personal satisfaction and quality of life gain new importance in an unstable world. Global financial tsunami and turbulent political situation affect different income people in 2008 and 2009. Although economic situation may become better compare to 2009, people still live in the shadow in 2010. Hence, consumers are more looking for the freedom, harmony and well-being than before. The muted, harmony and natural colors may become major popular color in 2010 which can satisfy consumer’s needs.
Besides the external influence, Donatella Versace is planning to change original style a bit which to attract young customers. The new Versace style is still glamorous and sensual but not as sexy. Donatella Versace expected this change can strengthen her business which to cope with different challenges easily.
After studying the collections of Versace and considering different other elements. I forecast the 2010 Versace spring color trend will just like following;
Firstly, rose red, light blue, light purple, yellow, black and white colors will be the hot color of Versace 2010 spring collection. Those muted colors represent the soft, elegant and gorgeous style that match Versace’s image. The designers will still use the achromatic scheme and analogical color scheme. But, their new design will adjust the proportion of the color to create sleek style and to stand out the self-assured of working ladies. The mute color match with black or white color to create the harmony and natural spring feeling to every customer.
As to draw an attention from the core customer, the new collection may contain some special element. Last time Versace dresses crossover with the art bring the high opinion from society. This time, more art element will be added in their new design. Crystal and jade can embroider in the new collection to produce new flash style which can attract young customer. Good proportion of jade add in clothes bring fashionable, luxury and sensual image to the customer.
To attract young customer, simple cutting is more important. Short dress with less decoration will more suitable for working women for daytime wear.
To conclude, Versace new style will no exaggeration anymore, but is still glamorous and sensual.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
VERSACE crossover ARTISTS : Tim Roeloffs (artist)

Edgy Dutch collage artist Tim Roelof (based in Berlin) and Versace debuted their collaboration of fashionable, wearable art which consisted of four beautiful dresses utilizing artist Roelof's style with Donatella's designs and utilizing some of the famous Versace icons along with Berlin imagery.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Versace 宣佈旗下的 Versus 系列捲土重來。1989 年,Gianni Versace 敘述他眼中的 Versus 系列時說:「Versus 的創作歷程非常精采,打從開始便以創新、獨到眼光及不一樣的匠心作主軸,將能量及創意凝聚於未來,與此同時匯聚當下潮流,勇於迎接挑戰,預演明日面貌」。
Donatella Versace 一直很欣賞年青設計家 Christopher Kane 的創作睿智、堅定意志及對未來潮流的敏銳觸覺,因此誠邀他與品牌合作,全權設計第一個 Versus 薈萃系列。
Donatella Versace 表示,Christopher Kane 設計的作品極具震撼力,融匯魅力與性感風尚,跟 Versus 的格調不謀而合。這個品牌本來就是專為年青人而設,讓他們樹立個人風格,不斷演進變革。
Kane 在創作總監 Donatella Versace 指導下,以清新時尚的手法重新演繹性感誘人的 Versus 形象,拼湊出一系列風格別樹一幟的華麗配飾。薈萃系列包括多款手袋、鞋履及珠寶,精品分別歸納於 3 大主題。
Labyrinth:幾何圖案以絲絨或印花於皮革手袋上。 手袋及鞋履選用磨面牛仔皮或鏡面亮革,珠寶以不銹鋼精製。
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